HSLP Students Qualify to Present at the Go Global Japan Forum!
Congratulations to second-year Eriko Tanimoto, Ryo Higashide, and Daiki Tomidokoro, who have qualified for the final round of the Go Global Japan forum! Out of the eighteen universities in competition for this privilege, our students were ranked in the top eight qualifying groups.
During the GGJ forum on December 6, Eriko, Ryo and Daiki’s presentation, “Put it Out, and Light the Future,” will explore the relationship between poverty and smoking in developing countries, and propose a simple solution to help prevent young children from picking up this expensive habit. We are impressed with the quality and thoughtfulness of their work and very excited to see their achievements recognized!
For more information about the GGJ forum, please visit: www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/ggj2014