Top Global University Project Forum
Global Perspectives in Health Professional Education
– What Should We Do in Academia? -
Tokyo Medical and Dental University has been selected for the FY2014 Top Global University Project (Type A: Top Type), a new initiative by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) which aims to enhance the international competitiveness of Japanese higher education and place more Japanese institutions among the top 100 universities in the world. This project will provide support to country’s top institutions conducting leading research and world-class education, and pioneering new approaches for internationalization and university reform.
Also, in FY2012, TMDU won the funding for the Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development, which aims for globalization of university education in order to cultivate “resources” who are willing to challenge and work in the global sector.
This joint forum of both global projects will introduce the international education and career development for future global leaders in health and medicine at TMDU and at some of the leading academic institutions in Asia. It will also provide an opportunity for administrators in academic and governmental sectors to participate in face-to-face discussions concerning future visions and strategies for health professions education in the globalizing world.

Date & Time
March 21, 2015 (Saturday) 12:30-16:40
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Lecture Room 2, Building 3 (3F)
1-5-45 Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8510, JAPAN
Free (Capacity 150)
Open to all University students, faculty/staff, healthcare workers and anyone interested in global education
Japanese (simultaneous interpretation is provided)
To register, please click the image below
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 5 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 2015