G-HSLP Workshop “Effective Research Presentations” (Dr. Kevin L. Ard)
※This workshop is only one of the many courses Graduate-School Health Sciences Leadership Program (G-HSLP) offers in English.
Please check the program syllabus for further details about G-HSLP.
The need for researchers and clinicians to make presentations in English is increasing in our globalized world. The skills learned in this course will be useful in academic conferences, patient presentations, lectures, job interviews, and other instances where you need to explain something clearly to your audience be it one or 100. Students will present their own research and get feedback from their peers as well as the workshop instructor. Through listening to others presentations and practicing questioning and answering, students can improve their speaking, listening, critical thinking and discussion skills.
Related to this, Inviting Instructor Kevin Ard, MD, MPH, from Harvard Medical School, Special Presentation Sessions will be held. It is a great chance to receive advice from overseas instructors. Don’t miss this great opportunity!
2017年度後期開講のワークショップ“Effective Research Presentations”では、欧米のトップ教育研究機関の第一線でご活躍されている教員を招聘し、英語プレゼン指導の特別セッションを開催します。今後、海外の学会等で英語による発表をされる予定のある方や英語での研究のプレゼンテーションの仕方を身に着けたい方は積極的にご参加ください。
Kevin Ard, MD, MPH Harvard Medical School/Instructor
Students will come prepared and give a 10-minute presentation about their own research work. Each presentation will be followed by questions and answers and feedback from instructor and peers.
Day & Time
2017/10/24 (T) 14:00-16:00、2017/10/25 (W) 15:00-16:30
G-Lab, M&D Tower 8th Floor, South
TMDU Graduate Students
Both International and Japanese students are welcome.
2017/10/24 (T):Up to 6
2017/10/25 (W):Up to 4
If applicants exceed the limit, those with who have participated fewer times will have higher priority.
Fill in the application, and send by email to global.adm@tmd.ac.jp.
Put “Application G-HSLP workshop” in the subject line.
Application deadline
2017/10/20 (F) 15:00
Institute of Global Affairs, Global Advancement Administrative Unit
(03) 5803-4964
E-mail: global.adm@tmd.ac.jp