Waseda/TMDU Discussion Café

第13回 ディスカッション・カフェ
Waseda/TMDU Discussion Café 13
~Let’s talk about SNS!~
What is Discussion Café?
In July 2013, TMDU and Waseda University signed an agreement with the primary goal of cooperating to cultivate future global leaders. This will be the 13th gathering of "Discussion Café" under this cooperation.
DCafé provides a rich environment for discussion in English of current controversial topics with students from various backgrounds. This is a fantastic opportunity to network with students in various fields of study from Japan and other countries and practice expressing your opinions in English!
Discussion Topic
SNS is increasingly influential in our daily life. Cute pictures of dogs on Instagram in the morning, fierce discussions about baseball on Twitter in the afternoon and searching for lost friends on Facebook in the evening: these have become familiar activities.
On the one hand, modern social networks may stimulate creativity, improve social relationships, drive the economy with a trillion-dollar-industry and provide people with the broader chance to express themselves.
On the other hand, concerns about smartphone addiction, causing loss of interest in the real world, and helping the spread of fake news and loss of individual privacy along with other social problems are also crucial to bear in mind.
Discussion Café is the place where students express their opinions freely and exchange their insights with each other, so the question is quite simple: What do you think?
日時/Date & Time
2019年12月7日(土)12:30~15:00/December 7 (Sat) 12:30pm-3:00pm
*Reception begins at 12:30pm
東京医科歯科大学 M&Dタワー8階G-lab
TMDU, M&D Tower, 8th floor, G-lab
Let’s talk about SNS!
本学学生/TMDU Students
- 学科・専攻・学年を問わず、どなたでも参加いただけます
All schools/faculties, majors/grades. - 大学院生・留学生の方も大歓迎です
Grad & International Students are welcome.
本学学生/TMDU Students
30名程度を予定:Limited to 30 students
*A lottery will be held in case applications exceed the limit, and winners will be notified by email.
応募方法/Registration & Deadline
参加希望者は、下記サイトより 12/2(月)17:00までに参加登録を行ってください。
If you would like to attend this session, please visit the following website and register by December 2 (Mon), 5:00 p.m.